Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Perfect Storm: Friday nights Weight loss forum in Santa Clara

 Friday night I was part of a panel, and speaker on the subject of  Weight loss in Santa Clara, which had 300 people in attendance. What a reception for the topic of Fit vs Fat, so many of our extended family is affected by obesity its astonishing. The Perfect Storm is the shocking mix of a high fat diet, too much screen time and sedentary living, and not enough vegetables and fruits leading to high rates of obesity worldwide today. So much of our life is unbalanced, yet the cure is unabashedly elegant and simplistic.  Putting certain practices into place requires more than will power, in most cases it propels us to have a back up plan.  We are compelled to care for our bodies, mind and spirits to live an abundant life.

With a high BMI (25 plus) we are looking at an increased risk of cardiovascular disease which leads to heart attack and stroke, musco-skeletal disorders, cancer, premature death and substantial disability. The likelihood of co-morbidities increases indicating that our lives are out of balance. When one goes to the doctor with problem knees we are blown away when he tells us, " The body is just not designed to carry 50 extra pounds."  Hello!  It is time to make a break from our current lifestyles and get fit fast.

Shifting fat consumption from saturated to unsaturated is a step in the right direction.  Increasing consumption of vegetables, fruit, legumes, whole grains and nuts moves us toward more healthful outcomes.  In the shadow of growing diabetes rates throughout the world it is also necessary to limit consumption of dietary sugars, including honey and high fructose corn syrup.

It becomes imperative to address adapting certain principals that will better sustain life.  Changing directions to customary eating is the on your dashboard, whether you want to or not.  In order to solve or change directions, it is necessary to take stock of how you take in food.  One has to  be willing to
re-envision how meals could be prepared, which means getting back into the kitchen. Be willing to show up and participate, you will love  how much better you feel. Eating breakfast and eating often will help you feel full; displace high fat foods with lots of vegetables and be judicious with fruit.

The role of stress is mighty, and stress management is a huge area to be addressed.  Success in any weight management program must have exercise at the center of our practice.  One has to be willing to  develop fresh ideas around exercise and make it part of our daily method of operation.  This includes making time for all family members to incorporate exercise.  Mix it up: have a routine that includes walking or some other form of cardiovascular work, weight training which helps us be more metabolically active, and  include some form of restorative work like yoga.  I need a balance otherwise I get bored. I believe the body wants variety.

The benefits of a good night sleep are not to be ignored, because not enough leads to stress induced eating.  We also need fellowship, accountability, active role modeling and a bit of friendly competition. Groups support us to enjoy the benefits conferred by community.  I love the idea of having a work out buddy, since eating buddies generally abound; a balance is required. What we are all seeking is wellness after all.  We can all be grateful this Thanksgiving for being a part of the community that is working towards greater wellness. I am grateful for all of you!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Heading into Thanksgiving ready to roll!

OK, so today begins the planning stages for managing the biggest eating day in the year! So many of us are especially triggered by the combination of great food, family relationships and the nudging to have just a little bit more. EEEkkkk, what's one to do?

In the past, Dr. Bernstein and I would lead a turkey trot walk out Tamalpais Rd. in Mill Valley to the ocean. It had that warm conviviality so common to hikers making a trek together against all odds. YOU can start new holiday traditions that will empower you to succeed. The added seretonin entering the body helps manage stress.  What could you do differently? 

How could the food you serve be more supportive of your goals.  For that matter, what are your goals for the holiday season?  Is it a weight loss time of year for you, or a weight gain typical in the USA.  Most people gain 10 lbs. between Halloween and New Years; will you fall into that category?

During the days ahead my clients and patients will be planning for new strategies in managing these trigger rich, comfort food packed days ahead.  Let's do things differently!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Fun Theory: Inspirations, Recipes and Inducements to have Fun!

Morning Kiddies,

Kinda Marine layerish today, so it's a good day to plug in some fun for all my friends. I had a great Yoga class yesterday, afterwards Charles and I chatted about weight loss synthesis and the importance of balance in all practices. So many experience weight loss as a painful process wrought with being stuck, "Behaving" and not having a chance to do the things they really want to do.

 We all know what that means; I'm bored, I should eat. I'm happy, let's eat. I'm angry, let's find something to eat. I'm depressed, I think I'll see what my friend, the fridgy has to provide for my enjoyment. The loop of self-sabotage is endless. Unless of course, we find new ways to challenge ourselves to deal with these inducements creatively. It takes a change of point of view doesn't it? I encourage you to pay attention to how thin, fit people handle tension, change, frustration, happiness and anger. So often it has nothing to do with HUNGER, we all know this and I assure you food is not the enemy, the only answer, or solution.

We want to change, we want the transformation but at the same time we have this roster of comfy habits that have soothed us for Sooo long! Seems like once we lose 10% we start to feel better,and start thinking,"I need a break, I've worked so hard think I'll have know how that plays out. Often, it does not occur to us that it could feel great to do some yoga, go for a run, play the piano,make some love, knit that scarf, or plan an upcoming vacation. Our lives are so ,"Mach five hair on fire" with schedules, kids, careers, budgets and planning that we are always cooking agitation on the back burner.

What we really need is something restorative to renew us to manage the frenetic pace of our lives. We absolutely need to have some fun and we know it, and we need it regularly! 

Why don't we try this fun weight loss game:

Imagine a check register that automatically enters your weight loss at .6 lbs weight loss per day that you could count on day in day out. So you know that by the end of this week you would be down 3.6 lbs. Imagine for a moment what that would feel like, notice how much looser your waistband feels, maybe your pants have more give.  Now imagine having the same results for the next 4 weeks, now you are looking at 14 lbs. down. What would you do differently?  Perhaps sign up for that bootcamp class, after all you are so much lighter now. WOW normally that means one dress size ladies!  What would you shop for, how would you regard your next meal?  Naturally you would be very protective about that weight loss, you easily would continue to imagine more success.  It would be easy to,"Pass on" that next sweet temptation; I know it. You have to look for inspiration every day.  Play with it and make it fun.

I see this all the time in my groups, where one person catches fire and turns to the others and says when they are all complaining about the vicissitudes of life," Come on, Barbara you know you can lose 15 lbs. by Christmas!"  Barbara grasps the enthusiasm and says," I know I can!"

Here is a great healthy recipe to try:


  • 4 bunches of beets, roots trimmed and tops removed
  • 2 tbs. olive oil
  • 1 tbs. lemon juice
  • 1 ounce white wine vinegar
  • 1 tbs. honey (can substitute splenda or stevia)
  • 1 ounce Dijon mustard
  • 1 tsp. dried thyme
  • 4 ounces vegetable oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/4 lb. French feta crumbled (optional)
  • 1 lb. spring mix lettuce
  • 2 heads Belgium Endive
  • 1 head Arugula


Coat beets with olive oil, roast in 450 degree oven on sheet pan for approximately 45 minutes, or until tender. Cool, peel and dice.

Combine lemon juice, vinegar, honey, mustard, and thyme in a blender to make a wonderful, light vinaigrette. While blender is running, slowly add vegetable oil.
Season to taste with salt and pepper.

To serve, place three endive leaves symmetrically on each plate. Toss spring mix lettuce and arugula with vinaigrette. Divide among plates and top with diced beets and feta cheese.

Serves Eight happy people.

As a final note, the fall air is wonderful get out into the sunshine and exercise.  Enjoy a crisp walk. Search out seasonal veggies to prepare. Do something fun today just for you.  Fill back up and enjoy life!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Kick it up Baby

November and just a few weeks before the biggest eating frenzy known to Americans, Thanksgiving! I am preparing a new workshop that is more than the nuts and bolts of dieting; it's going to deliver new and playful ways to grow a new version of you.
It's partly about envisioning the FANTASY of being THIN, assessing how REALITY or whats on your dashboard for the day/week ahead influencing moving forward toward the dream, and ultimately reaching the DELIGHT of being your healthy,slim dream now. I have long analyzed why some people experience a straight shot towards their goal: bingo they are thin! Others, start off admirably and get stuck in the reefs of doubt, indecision, and lose sight of their objective. What makes the difference, and how can the outcome be changed is ever on my mind. So much of it is ATTITUDE and feeling worthy. So we start from the outside and work out way in.

I am always working on myself, this week I have worked out 6 times, doing cardio 3x, weights 4x and yoga 3x. I keep changing it up to keep myself interested and present. Being in shape becomes part of your daily method of operation, and yes it requires tending. Often clients in my weight loss groups long for a break from the new routines of eating well and exercising. The same folks that want to go back to their old ways of eating and living; there is no turning back. Ease into to and keep going. You can do it!

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Straight Skinny

It's a beautiful day in Santa Cruz, today is a yoga day with Patrick. I will follow that up with some weight training. I will be getting my passport updated today, Argentina beckons! I have before me the plan to reveal a more skinny lifestyle today. What does that mean! The days have been full of extended birthday activities and I have a strong desire to get into correction. I am therefore looking forward to lots of personal care: exercise, veggies and fruit,low fat protein, water and just basically getting a grip.
Sound familiar, many of us struggle on weekends and through party times. The good news is that once you have established healthy habits, you yearn for that strong place of living from the center of them. You don't stay in that dizzying place where gluttony abides, it's too uncomfortable. You become more and more comfortable being thin, active and healthy. I look forward to a week that is free from goodies, now that Halloween is behind me. Just a few weeks till Thanksgiving!